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Essentia Hong Kong Company was established with the aim to serve health professionals who demand working clothes and shoes with quality, professional styling, functional details and above all, comfort.
In Hong Kong, we successfully launched the American brands of medical workwear - Cherokee® Uniforms in 2013. Since then, we have been serving more than thousand customers including doctors, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, allied health professionals, assistants and students who are mostly working in hospitals, clinical and laboratory settings.
We're continuously introducing new styles of medical uniforms to meet customer needs. Just like the Nanotex range of workwear manufactured by Cherokee® Uniforms is now available in Hong Kong. Nanotex provides enhanced protection to health professionals because of the fabric mix Rayon /Polyester /Spandex plus fluid barrier, spill resistant and antimicrobial properties.
We understand well-designed uniform is conducive to foster the professional image of organization and healthcare workers; comfort-to-wear uniform can at least help them do their jobs easier. Our collections of products include tops, pants, jackets, lab coats, scrub hats, compression hosiery and shoes. Most of them are ready-to-wear items in various styles, fabrics, sizes and colors available for customers to choose from.
我們專門為醫護人員提供舒適優質、專業款式、價錢適中的工作服及鞋履產品。公司於2013年開始代理美國品牌 CHEROKEE® UNIFORMS 多年以來已服務過千位客戶, 包括於各醫療機構或診所工作的西醫、牙醫、獸醫、護士、助理人員及醫護學生等。
因應市場需求我們會不斷引進新款產品。為提升工作服的保護功能,美國品牌CHEROKEE® UNIFORMS現已推出具有跣水及抗菌耐污功能的 NANOTEX 制服系列供醫護人員選用。我們了解到設計合適的工作服有助提高醫療機構及醫護人員的專業形象,而舒適的制服亦可以令他們的工作變得輕鬆一點。我們的產品包括不同系列的醫護人員衫褲、白袍、手術帽、壓力襪、護士鞋等, 同時備有多種款式、質料、顏色及尺碼的現貨以供選購。

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